
How To Make Homemade Wine From Fruit

A carboy of strawberry wine with a 3-piece airlock sits beside two flip-top bottles filled with finished fruit wine. A text overlay reads, "How to Make Fruit Wines."

A glass of homemade strawberry wine sits next to a bowl of fresh strawberries. A text overlay reads, "How to Make Strawberry Wine."

Close-up of hand holding a glass of strawberry wine. A text overlay reads, "Make Easy Fruit Wines at Home."

My husband and father are beer home brewers. I've watched them devote entire Saturdays to the process of brewing beer. While I loved drinking the results, I was never interested in devoting all that fourth dimension to brewing beer.

For years, I just assumed that making wine required the aforementioned amount of investment in time and equipment as beer brewing. But turns out—it doesn't! You can make a batch of strawberry wine with less than xv minutes of hands-on time. And you lot can be sipping it on your forepart porch just a few weeks later. Making fruit wines (or country wines) is at present ane of my favorite hobbies, and I'm so excited to share it with you!

A carboy of strawberry wine with a 3-piece airlock sits beside two flip-top bottles filled with finished fruit wine.

Today, I'm going to share with you a recipe for a archetype Homemade Strawberry Wine, plus walk you through the entire process for making fruit wine. You can apply these same tools and processes to almost whatever fruit out in that location, so once y'all've nailed down Strawberry Wine (a great vino for beginners), you can let your imagination—and what'due south in flavor—inspire your next batch.

Read me: an important winemaking caveat!

Similar most things in life, the arts and crafts of home winemaking falls on a wide spectrum. On one end, yous accept the folks who love to swoop all in—they spend hundreds of dollars on special tools, they sanitize everything using synthetic chemicals, they have scientific records, they employ very specific winemaking additives. On the other hand, there is what I like to call "heritage" winemakers. These people apply barely nothing more than than a make clean canning jar, fruit, water, and some saccharide—after all, that's the way folks accept been making vino for generations. And and so there are all of us who fall somewhere in between on the spectrum.

Wholefully Protip

If you get into winemaking, it'southward important to figure out how to make the process piece of work for you! Experiment, and potable your mistakes!

The moral of this story is that at that place are a million and i combinations for how you can make a "good" bottle of wine. I'm going to write out how we do information technology in our home, merely that admittedly isn't the simply (or fifty-fifty the best) mode to exercise it. Throughout this mail, you'll meet a theme of me giving you multiple ways to achieve the same event—call up of information technology as an opportunity to effort out what method works best for you lot.

Pouring a glass of homemade strawberry wine with a fresh strawberry garnish on the glass.

What tools do yous need to make fruit wine at dwelling house?

Y'all can really go all out with tools when it comes to winemaking, only hither is the blank minimum of what I suggest you lot have on hand to do your showtime batch of strawberry vino. You tin hands get started making wine for under $sixty.

A primary fermentation container:

This should be a big bucket, a large jar, a crock, or specifically designed fermenter—which is what nosotros use and will exist showing in this mail.

The size is important. I recommend it be at to the lowest degree xl% bigger in volume than what you'd similar your final amount of vino to be. Why? Because your principal fermentation will have fresh fruit in it, which nosotros'll later filter out. Also: during the initial fermentation, the yeast can get quite overzealous, and y'all'll need room for all the bubbles—plus, actress room gives the yeast extra oxygen to work with! The strawberry wine recipe beneath is for a one gallon batch, then your primary fermentation container needs to be at least ane.4 gallons in size.

A carboy for secondary fermentation:

This is simply a big ole glass jug! We mash virtually exclusively in 1 gallon batches at our house, and so we have an entire fleet of one gallon carboys. You tin purchase them in a parcel with an airlock and cork. They also come up in much larger sizes if you desire to do large batches—five gallon is a common carboy size. The shape of the carboy is important—the narrow neck reduces the surface area of wine exposed to oxygen during secondary fermentation, which is good!

Wholefully Protip

Some folks utilise a carboy for both primary and secondary fermentation. We've found it much easier (and less messy) to take a big, wide-mouth container for chief fermentation when working with whole fruits—plus, the chief fermentation container can double equally a bottling saucepan.

An airlock:

Strictly speaking, you don't necessarily need an airlock to exist successful at winemaking, but they make it a lot easier and they are incredibly affordable (less than $3 each). An airlock allows the brew to release the carbon dioxide it's producing during fermentation, without allowing oxygen, microbes, or bugs into your wine.

Tools for making fruit wine at home such as wooden spoon, fine mesh strainer, funnel, glass fermenters, and air locks.

Bottling equipment:

How you bottle your wine is a personal decision! We prefer to use flip-peak style glass bottles because it's piece of cake and we have them on mitt. You tin can purchase a corker and do new or recycled wine bottles (we utilize these half-size wine bottles for gifting, and they are adorable). You can fifty-fifty just stash your wine in mason jars!

When it's time to bottle or transfer your wine (called "racking"—more on that in a bit), a siphon/canteen filler is another item that isn't an absolute necessity, but will make your life way easier. This helps you transfer the vino from one container to some other without disturbing the sediment, and helps yous bottle much easier. You'll besides need some sort of container to bottle from that has a spigot on information technology. Some folks buy a special bottling bucket, but nosotros just employ our primary fermenter.

Wholefully Protip

Everything else you lot'll demand for winemaking (spoons, funnels, sieves, etc.) are standard kitchen wares that you probably already have boot effectually.

What kind of airlock should I buy?

You'll see two dissimilar kinds of airlocks out in that location—the iii-piece airlock and the twin Southward-bubbler. Both work merely fine for making wine. The but existent reward here is that it's slightly easier to come across bubbles moving (which means y'all can go along an heart on how active your fermentation is) on the S-bubbler. I have and use both kinds.

A hand holds two types of airlocks for winemaking, a three-piece airlock and a twin bubble airlock.

You lot will demand a stopper or cap with a hole to braze the airlock to the top of your carboy or fermentation container, so make certain to grab that, too. They are often sold together in sets.

Wholefully Protip

Both kinds of airlock need to exist filled to the line on the side with water to operate properly. Make sure your airlock ever has water during fermentation.

How practise you lot sanitize all the tools?

Level of sanitization is one of those things that falls on a broad spectrum. Some folks adopt to absolutely blast their tools with synthetic chemical sanitizers (Star San is a common i that folks apply) before making wine to kill any yeast or bacteria that might impact the flavor of their vino. On the other end of the spectrum, some people don't fifty-fifty wash the spoon they employ to stir then it'll keep the aforementioned yeast on information technology from batch to batch!

Like nearly things in my life, I stick to the middle path. We brand certain all of our tools are cleaned very well with soap and hot water. Plus we use an oxygen wash (which is only a course of hydrogen peroxide) as an actress layer of sanitization before making our wine.

Close-up of hand holding jar of Northern Brewer No-Rinse Oxygen Wash.

What ingredients do yous need to make fruit wine?

Alright, now onto the bodily ingredients that make the magic happen. Here you tin can go as simple or as fancy every bit y'all similar, but you'll at least need:


I highly recommend using fresh, in-season fruit that is frozen first. Why freeze it first? The process of freezing helps to intermission down the cell structure of the fruit then it can release its juices easier. In other words, freezing makes fruit mushy (which is good in this case)!

Wholefully Protip

I prefer frozen fruit considering it releases the juices easier, but fresh fruit will piece of work, too.


This is the time to whip out a big bag of organic pikestaff saccharide! Y'all'll use a lot of saccharide here, but don't freak out—your goal is to feed the yeast so they turn that sugar into alcohol. You can add 2 pounds of sugar to a batch of wine and notwithstanding get an incredibly tart and dry vino considering the yeast ate it all!

If yous are tempted to bandy out the sugar for another sweetener (say honey), that's fine, simply merely be aware that y'all are at present making a dissimilar kind of alcoholic beverage (sugar=wine, love=mead, maple syrup=acerglyn) and the procedure might be slightly dissimilar. Nosotros're sticking with sugar for this post.

Close-up of sugar and fresh strawberries in a large glass fermenter with a spigot.


The blazon of water you use to make your wine is important. Chlorinated tap water (peculiarly over chlorinated) can inhibit or fifty-fifty kill your yeast—and then I always use filtered water. I utilise water straight from our Berkey water filter. Jugs of bound water from the shop volition likewise do the pull a fast one on.

Wholefully Protip

Some folks report using their chlorinated tap h2o for winemaking with no issues, and so feel free to experiment if you'd like.


These fiddling babies are the magic that turns the iii ingredients above into vino! There are 2 ways to go about procuring yeast for your vino projection:

  • Wild yeast: The OG manner to make wine—past embracing the yeast that'south already on the fruit and in the air around yous! This is a really fun way to brand vino, and if you are interested in information technology, I highly recommend checking out The Wildcrafting Brewer for a deep swoop on the method. We've done a few batches with wild yeast, and it's fun to see how different it turns out depending on what yeast inoculated your batch!
  • Purchased winemaking yeast: For a consistent, standardized wine making experience, y'all'll desire to utilize purchased winemaking yeast—it's where I recommend winemaking newbies start. Winemaking yeast comes in little packets but like staff of life yeast. There are a ton of different strains y'all can effort that impart different flavors, alcohol levels, fermentation styles, and other qualities (and we recommend experimenting with them). These two are our favorites for fruit wine making because of their neutral flavour, high activity, ease of use, and high final alcohol levels—Lalvin EC-118 and Red Star Premier Blanc.

Close-up of a hand holding up two packets of dry wine yeasts, Lalvin EC-1118 and Red Star Premier Blanc.

Vino Additives

Those four ingredients above are really all you absolutely demand to make a batch of country wine (and are all that folks have used for generations to exercise so). But eventually, people realized that the flavor, appearance, and process of wine is improved with some additives—most of the additives mimic characteristics in traditional grape wines.

Bottles of wine additives from North Mountain Supply such as yeast nutrients, wine tannin, pectic enzyme, and acid blend along with fresh additives like raisins, citrus, and tea.

With almost all wine additives in that location are both natural and purchased/constructed ways to achieve the aforementioned consequence. Hither are the most common ones:

  • Tannin: Accept you ever brewed a cup of blackness tea besides strongly and information technology has oral cavity-puckering astringency? That's tannin. Y'all might non think you lot want that in your strawberry wine, merely a piddling fleck of tannin can help balance out fruity sweetness and add together an interesting layer of earthy flavour. You can add together tannin by using purchased Vino Tannin or by but adding a cup or two of strongly brewed black tea.
  • Yeast nutrient: Yeast love to swallow sugar, only they likewise demand other nutrients (like folic acid, magnesium, and others) to help them thrive. Many fruits provide plenty of the nutrients so you lot don't need to add yeast nutrient. Merely if your fermentation is sluggish (we had this happen when nosotros fabricated blueberry wine), you can add purchased Yeast Nutrient to reactivate the fermentation. Some people swear that organic raisins can replace yeast food, but the jury is still out on that.
  • Acid: A petty bit of acid is a neat way to add another layer of season to fruity wines. Fruit wines without acid tend to have a harsh flavour. You tin add purchased Acid Blend or any type of citrus fruit juice and peel that works well with your flavor contour.
  • Pectic Enzyme: This is a common additive that doesn't take a non-purchased culling, but that works, because information technology'south also not absolutely vital. Pectic Enzyme helps to break down the pectin in the fruit, which makes it easier for the fruit to interruption down. This makes it easier to extract the juice, the tannin, and the nutrients from the fruit, and it also means the final result of your wine is much clearer. We tend to use pectic enzymes for fruits that are harder to brew (similar rhubarb) and when we are making batches for gifting (to get that beautiful clear appearance). We don't use it in every batch.

Wholefully Protip

The do good of using purchased wine additives is that information technology'southward easier to get precise consistency from batch to batch of vino.

Another mutual wine additive are Campden tablets. They are sodium or potassium metabisulfite tablets that are used to sterilize wine at various stages during the winemaking process. I personally don't employ them (run across more on that in the FAQs beneath), but a lot of folks exercise!

What kind of fruit tin you utilize to make vino?

Almost anything! Berries and stone fruits (peaches, plums, cherries, etc.) are mutual, but I've seen onion wines, tomato wines, assistant wines—it really is only limited by your imagination. Herb and spice wines are something we dear in our house, also—lemon balm, peppermint, even basil!

What'south a general formula for making fruit vino from any kind of fruit?

Making wine is more than of an art than a scientific discipline, which means it takes some experimentation to nail down exactly what works for you and your tastebuds, but as a general rule of thumb, y'all can use this formula for a one gallon batch of fruit wine:

3 pounds of fresh or frozen fruit + two-three pounds of cane sugar + one gallon of water + Yeast and desired additives

How do you make a dry vino versus a sweetness wine?

The last sweetness of your wine is determined generally by two factors: how much sugar you add (of course) and how much saccharide your yeast can eat. Unlike strains of yeast can swallow different amounts of sugar before they peter out and die in the alcohol that they've fabricated.

For an case, let's walk through two different kinds of yeast in a wine batch.

  • Yeast A can survive to 12% alcohol content. This yeast will eat some of the saccharide you lot add, dice off in one case the wine reaches 12% alcohol, and then the residuum of the sugar volition be leftover for the wine to taste sweet.
  • Yeast B tin survive to 18% booze content. It eats all three pounds of that sugar earlier dying off (or running out of food), and you end up with a dry wine.

Wholefully Protip

Without sterilization and added preservatives, bootleg wines demand to be at to the lowest degree 14% booze content to be shelf-stable. To reach this, yous need to add at least 2 ane/2 pounds of sugar per gallon batch, plus utilize a yeast with an 14% or higher alcohol tolerance.

I recommend starting with one kind of middle-of-the-route alcohol-tolerant yeast and setting a baseline amount of sugar to add (2-3 pounds is a good amount for i gallon batch). Red Star Premier Blanc has an 14% booze tolerance and is a skillful place to start. Then you tin can adjust how much sugar to add based on your own sense of taste preferences from at that place.

How do you lot brand strawberry wine (or whatsoever fruit vino)?

Alright, at present we're going to swoop into the exact method we use for making fruit wines in our firm. The photos hither evidence the states making a batch of homemade strawberry wine from strawberries we picked at a local farm and so froze.

Pace one: Kickoff the Must

In winemaking circles, must is the term you utilize for the mashed up whole fruit and juice you use in winemaking. At that place are a lot of ways to make a must (stomping on grapes, anyone?) simply my favorite method is to use frozen fruit—which helps break downwards the jail cell construction of the fruit—and macerate information technology by soaking the fruit in carbohydrate for a few hours. This works pretty well for all berries and hard skinned fruits.

Collage of first four steps to making strawberry wine at home.

  1. Sanitize your equipment to your preferred levels of sanitization.
  2. Add your frozen fruit to the main fermentation container.
  3. Cover the fruit with the sugar—it'll look similar an obscene amount! This would also be the time to add your Pectic Enzyme if you are using it.
  4. Embrace the fermentation container, and fix aside for at least a few hours, upwards to 24 hours.

The fruit will begin to defrost and combine with the sugar, and the maceration process (which is destroying the construction of the fruit by making it sit down in its ain juices) will get-go to break everything down. Feel complimentary to stir the whole mixture a few times with a clean spoon if you similar—although it's not necessary. After 24 hours, the mixture will wait quite different!

Close-up of macerated strawberries in glass fermenter.

Step 2: Brand the Vino

Next upwardly is the bodily winemaking procedure. It'll take you less than x minutes worth of active fourth dimension!

Collage of final six steps to make strawberry wine at home.

  1. Start past waking up your yeast. Mix the wine yeast with some non-chlorinated water in a pocket-size bowl. Gear up aside.
  2. Using a berry masher or clean easily, mash up all the fruit to stop making the must. Information technology doesn't have to be perfectly smooth, just pause it upwards pretty well.
  3. Add in your preferred additives. For this strawberry wine, I'm using purchased acid blend and wine tannin.
  4. Add in enough non-chlorinated water to bring your full book (including the fruit in the must) to about xxx% more than your final desired amount—and then for a one gallon batch, that'd be 1.3 gallons. You don't have to be exact here. If you have too trivial later on, y'all can superlative it off with more water, and if y'all have too much, you can relish a preview sip!
  5. Pitch in the yeast and water mixture. Stir well. Don't worry if not all the saccharide is dissolved.
  6. Close the fermenter and fit information technology with an airlock filled with water.

Place the fermenter in a spot out of directly sunlight, but don't put it too out of the way. During principal fermentation (the start i-2 weeks), you'll desire to cheque on it daily.

Wholefully Protip

Some people put the fruit must inside a brew pocketbook inside of the fermenter for like shooting fish in a barrel straining afterwards. I like to let my fruit roam gratuitous inside the wine because I think you get a stronger flavor.

Pace 3: Chief Fermentation

Then, y'all look for action! Agitate the wine mixture at least once a day (twice is better) by either swirling the whole container or removing the lid and stirring it well. You'll know fermentation has started when y'all showtime to run into fine bubbles moving up the side of the fermenter and the airlock starts bubbling.

Collage of two gifs showing primary fermentation bubbles in the fermenter and the airlock.

Depending on the temperature of where your fermenter is (warmer rooms = faster start), it tin take as petty as a few hours or every bit long equally two to three days for fermentation to get started. Merely once it gets started—watch out! Primary fermentation tin can be quite active on fruit wines like this strawberry wine. You'll want to keep an center on your container to make sure the bubbles aren't overflowing or taking over the airlock.

A glass fermenter with a spigot is filled with vigorously bubbling strawberry wine in the primary fermentation stage.

Proceed agitating the mixture during the unabridged main fermentation fourth dimension—this is particularly of import when working with whole fruit, because information technology can form a mat at the peak of the fermenter that traps the carbon dioxide.

Wholefully Protip

Stir the wine quite vigorously during primary fermentation! You lot want to incorporate air into the vino to aid with fermentation. Employ your muscles!

Primary fermentation is finished when the bubbling in the airlock slows down dramatically. That can happen in every bit chop-chop as three days or as slowly every bit three weeks—it'll only depend on your yeast, your home, and your fruit. Since I like to use whole fruit in my fruit wines, I like to proceed the whole fruit in there for at to the lowest degree a week earlier moving on to secondary fermentation.

Pace 4: Racking and Secondary Fermentation

Once the primary fermentation has slowed down, it'southward fourth dimension to strain out the fruit and rack (what it's chosen when you lot motion the wine from one container to another) the wine into a carboy.

  1. Fit a funnel with a mesh sieve into the neck of a sterilized carboy. You lot tin also use a special brewing funnel with a strainer if you choose.
  2. Using a large ladle, scoop out the whole and mashed fruit and pour it through the sieve and funnel.
  3. Press the fruit into the sieve to get as much of the early on wine out as possible.
  4. When the sieve fills upward, dump the spent must into the compost, and replace. Proceed repeating until the majority of the fruit is out of the wine.
  5. Pour the remainder of the wine through the sieve and funnel.
  6. You want the wine to come to the bottom of the cervix of the carboy. If you have too much, you can cascade yourself a glass of non-all the same-finished-but-still-delicious wine. If you have likewise piddling, you lot can top it off with more non-chlorinated h2o.
  7. Fit the carboy with an airlock.

Wholefully Protip

For some fruits with thin/goopy lurid (American persimmons are a good instance), yous might want to strain your wine through cheesecloth or a nut milk bag earlier racking into the carboy to remove even more of the pulp. Our yogurt strainer works swell for this!

All this agitation will restart whatever sluggish fermentation quite actively, so I recommend placing the carboy in a place where yous can continue an eye on it hands (but still out of direct sunlight). One time y'all know it's not going to geyser wine everywhere, you can and then move the carboy to a night, out-of-the-way spot to practise the longer secondary fermentation. A closet is great for this, as is a basement—although a basement is usually cooler and can make the fermentation process slower.

Country and fruit wines, including this strawberry vino, are traditionally nevertheless wines—significant they have no carbonation and the yeast is inactive (or, ahem, dead). That'south the signal when secondary fermentation is over. Hither's how you know when secondary is finished:

  • The airlock stops bubbling. This is the first signal that fermentation is over. The airlock stops doing its regular "bloop!"
  • If you lot used pectic enzyme, the wine clears. It happens magically. One 24-hour interval your wine looks hazy, and and then the next, you tin can come across straight through information technology to the other side (especially if you lot used pectic enzyme). This is a sign that the yeast has finished its work.
  • In that location are no bubbling along the side of the carboy. Fifty-fifty when the airlock stops bubbles, sometimes in that location are tiny bubbles running upwards the side of the carboy. These can often be the final sign that the yeast is still working.

This procedure can take anywhere from but a couple of weeks to months, depending on a number of factors. But make sure your airlock has water in it (information technology will eventually evaporate) as your yeast does its piece of work.

Wholefully Protip

Some people rack their vino multiple times (transferring it from one carboy to another) during secondary fermentation to both restart the fermentation and clear upwards the wine. A good rule of thumb is to rack it every 1-ii months, if y'all like.

Optional Step iv: Dorsum Sweetening

When your secondary fermentation is over, it'southward time to taste that wine! In full general, fruit wines need time to age before they are really succulent, and so don't be also concerned about the flavor contour still. What you are concerned about right now is sweetness. If you gustation the wine and are happy with the sweetness, y'all can move onto Step #5!

If you sense of taste the wine and it'due south as well dry out, no worries, we can now rack the wine and back sweeten it. There are multiple ways to do this:

  1. Use a non-caloric sweetener. Non-caloric sweeteners like stevia, monk fruit, and erythritol tin exist added to to sweeten the wine without reactivating the wine. The drawback is that these natural sugar alternatives often have funky aftertastes that turn some folks off.
  2. Sterilize and back-sweeten. You lot can use Campden tablets to kill off the yeast in your wine, and and then add elementary syrup to the wine to sweeten to gustatory modality.
  3. Back-sweeten with sugar and referment until the yeast hits its booze max. This is what I do!

How to back-sweeten without sterilizing your wine:

Here'southward my exact method for that 3rd method of back-sweetening:

  1. Brand a uncomplicated syrup by combining equal parts sugar and h2o in a minor saucepan over medium estrus. Oestrus until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let cool to room temperature.
  2. Using a siphon, transfer the vino (leaving backside the sediment) to a different, sterilized carboy.
  3. Add in the simple syrup, a little at a time, shaking or stirring well after each addition. Keep sweetening until you lot get to your desired sweetness level. You tin taste using a sterilized stainless straw or a wine thief.
  4. Fit the carboy with an airlock.

Wholefully Protip

If you don't accept a second carboy for back sweetening, you can always transfer the wine to your chief fermenter, sweeten to taste there, and and so transfer dorsum into the original carboy after cleaning out the sediment.

Depending on your yeast and the amount of saccharide you used to brainstorm with, back sweetening might reactivate your wine again (hence the airlock). Yous'll run across bubbles along the side of the carboy and in the airlock. This is totally fine—it simply means the yeast wasn't done with its work nonetheless. When the fermentation is finished again (using the signals outlined in Pace 3) you can taste and proceed with Step 4 over again—do this as many times equally you need to give information technology the sweetness you lot like.

If your wine doesn't restart fermentation within a week, that means your yeast has topped out on the alcohol level in the wine and tin no longer "eat" whatsoever more than sugar—this is practiced, because it ways the back sweetening will stay at the current sugariness level. At present you tin can move on to bottling and aging!

Step 5: Bottling

The bottling process tin can be as fancy or as simple equally you like. Strawberry wine will taste the same out of a mason jar as information technology will coming out of a waxed and corked bottle—the choice is yours!

A glass flip-top bottle of homemade strawberry wine sits with fresh strawberries around it.

We personally bottle our wine in two different kinds of bottles that work well for the states:

  • 16 Ounce Flip-Height (Grolsch-Style) Bottles: These are the bottles we use for our "everyday" drinking. They are piece of cake to use, and they hold carbonation well if y'all happen to bottle before the fermentation is quite finished. They are easy to reseal. Y'all can become nearly 5-vi of these bottles out of a one gallon batch of wine.
  • Half-Size (375ml) Stretch Hock Vino Bottles: These mini wine bottles are what nosotros use for gift giving. We've been known to parcel three bottles of different fruit wines in 1 basket for a wonderful hostess or birthday gift. Yous can get between 8-x of these bottles out of a one gallon batch of wine.

At that place are a one thousand thousand other ways you can bottle your wine: use recycled vino bottles, utilise beer bottles, put information technology in a jar with a tight fitting lid. No thing which vessel yous choose, the procedure is roughly the same.

  1. Using a siphon, transfer the finished wine—leaving behind the sediment—from the carboy to the bottling bucket (or the primary fermenter if it has a spigot).
  2. Fit the bottling container spigot with a canteen filler, if using.
  3. Fill up clean, sanitized bottles using the bottle filler or only the spigot.
  4. Cap, cork, or close the tops of the bottles.
  5. Label the bottles. Nosotros use masking tape and a Sharpie for wine nosotros program on drinking, and we make fancy labels for gift wine.

Step six: Aging (the hardest office!)

As nosotros mentioned earlier, most fruit wines really are at their almost succulent afterwards aging. That's the hardest part of this whole process—waiting! The full general recommendation is to age it at least one month before trying, but fruit wines go really amazing after vi-12 months of aging. Yous can either age your wine in a cool, night place before bottling (in a carboy) or after bottling. Many folks (myself included) adopt to exercise it after bottling to clear upwardly the carboy for their next batch of vino! Simply some folks swear past bulk crumbling—and have shelves total of full carboys to bear witness information technology. Proponents of bulk aging say that the flavor is better and the fermentation is more than complete.

Corked vino bottles demand to be aged laying on their side—this keeps the corks wet, which keeps the corks wedged in dainty and tightly. All other types of bottles tin can exist aged sitting up straight, but equally long every bit they are in a cool, night spot.

Close-up of hand holding a glass of strawberry wine.

Aging makes good wine even amend, and information technology can even brand undrinkable wine enjoyable! I've heard tales of winemakers almost throwing out a batch considering it was and then bad, only to age it for a year or more and have some of the best wine they've always tasted!

Frequently asked questions almost making strawberry wine (or whatsoever fruit vino):

How practice you know the alcohol content of the wine?

This is an arena of winemaking where I lean more toward the heritage winemakers—I practice non take booze readings on my wines. I never set up a goal for how much alcohol I want my vino to have—I merely like to let the wine develop into what information technology wants to develop into. I honestly have no thought how boozy my wines are other than to exist able to accept a sip and say, "Yup, that's a strong one!"

Many (I could even say most) people who make wine at dwelling take specific gravity readings using a hydrometer throughout the winemaking process to determine the fermentation levels and alcohol content. I've washed it in the past with batches, and information technology'due south definitely interesting information to accept, especially when you are starting out! However, my goal with learning how to make strawberry wine was to continue the procedure fun, simple, and light, and doing specific gravity calculations is not my brain'southward idea of carefree.

For some data-minded folks, it tin can exist an incredibly helpful data prepare to use throughout the process. If using data to track your wine's fermentation and alcohol growth sounds fun to you lot, grab yourself a hydrometer and go along with your bad cocky!

Glass flip-top bottles filled with finished strawberry wine and labeled with masking tape.

What happens if you bottle your wine before it's washed fermenting?

You might brand little wine bombs! If the wine is however fermenting when you bottle, information technology'll continue producing carbon dioxide, which will eventually build up to a point in the bottle where it needs to escape. When it gets at that place, the canteen might pop its cork, popular off its flip-top—or in the worst instance scenario, break the glass of the bottle. Y'all tin can preclude this by making sure the vino is still and finished fermenting before bottling or by sterilizing the wine with Campden tablets before bottling. I personally similar to live on the border, and so I never sterilize my wine (more on that in a sec), and occasionally, I open up a nice carbonated canteen!

How practice I brand sparkling wines (like champagne)?

Country wines and fruit wines are traditionally withal wines (meaning they have no carbonation). Making a sparkling vino is a bit of an advanced technique that requires a practiced knowledge of how yeast works, the fermentation process, and advanced bottling techniques. We recommend tackling information technology only afterward you've mastered a still wine similar this strawberry vino. When you're prepare to movement onto sparkling wine, Wild Wine Making has some keen information about that process.

Close-up of a glass of chilled strawberry wine with a fresh strawberry garnish.

Can y'all use fruit juice to brand wine instead of the whole fruit?

Sure can, and in fact, a lot of people salve some time and skip some steps by doing so. I personally enjoy the flavour of using whole fruit, though, and I recommend it for starting time-timers looking to create a really delicious outset batch of strawberry wine.

Why don't you lot use Campden tablets?

If you lot take dabbled in winemaking, you may have heard of a frequently used condiment chosen Campden tablets. They are sodium or potassium metabisulfite tablets that are used to sterilize wine at diverse stages during the winemaking procedure. They kill off all the yeast and bacteria.

Why would you want to do this? Well, for some people, they want to have a completely sterile process to get-go off with (they add the tablets to the fruit must to kill off any naturally-occurring yeasts or bacteria). Some people also apply them to terminate fermentation before it'due south complete if they want to achieve a sure level of sweetness. And some people besides add them to the vino just before bottling to brand certain fermentation is over to avoid making canteen bombs.

I personally practice non use Campden tablets. Generally considering I merely don't find that I need them in my winemaking procedure, merely also because I bask including wild yeasts and bacteria in my creations. There are tons of resources on the internet about using Campden tablets if stertilization is of interest to you.

Can I employ breadstuff yeast for making strawberry wine?

Some folks out there utilise regular baker'southward bread yeast for making vino, merely I wouldn't recommend it. The strains of yeast in winemakers yeast will create a much tastier terminal result. If you don't believe me, endeavour making a batch with bread yeast and see what happens!

Where tin can you get more data on making strawberry vino?

Equally if my 5000+ words on making strawberry wine wasn't enough! If y'all are looking for more than resources on making fruit wines, here are some of my favorite brewing books to check out:

  • Wild Wine Making <— this is my absolute favorite resource if you are going to pick merely 1!
  • Artisanal Modest Batch Brewing
  • The Wildcrafting Brewer
  • Make Mead Similar a Viking
  • Sacred and Healing Herbal Beers

And cheque out our other wine recipes:

  • Huckleberry Wine
  • Peach Wine
A glass of homemade strawberry wine sits next to a bowl of fresh strawberries.

Homemade Strawberry Wine Recipe

Yield: one gallon

Prep Time: thirty minutes

Boosted Time: 30 days

Full Time: 30 days 30 minutes

You're going to be shocked by how like shooting fish in a barrel information technology is to make fruit vino! Our beginner's tutorial will teach you step-past-step how to make homemade strawberry wine.


Earlier You Start

  1. Wash all your tools and sterilize to your desired level of cleanliness. Maintain this level of cleanliness throughout the procedure.

Making the Wine

  1. In a big saucepan, a large jar, or specifically designed fermenter, add together the frozen fruit, pikestaff carbohydrate, and pectic enzyme (if using). Cover and let sit out until the berries are defrosted and the entire mixture is quite juicy—at least four hours, upwards to 24 hours.
  2. Using a potato masher or make clean hands, brew the berries to crush them. No need for it to be a smooth puree.
  3. In a small bowl, combine about a cup of water with the yeast, ready aside to wake up for 10 minutes.
  4. Add the vino tannin or black tea and acrid blend or lemon juice to the strawberry mixture. Add in enough water to bring the total volume of the mixture to about 1 1/3 gallons—no need to be perfectly accurate.
  5. Pitch the yeast h2o into the mixture, and stir well to agitate. Close the hat on the fermenter and fit with an airlock.

Principal Fermentation

  1. Place the fermenter in a spot out of direct lite, just where you can keep an middle on information technology. Agitate the mixture well at to the lowest degree in one case per day past stirring or swirling.
  2. The fermentation should starting time within 1-3 days. Continue to stir or swirl thoroughly throughout the entire primary fermentation phase.
  3. When the bubbles slow downwards considerably in the airlock (unremarkably around the x twenty-four hours marking for us with this vino, but it'll vary based on the rut of your house), your main fermentation is done.

Secondary Fermentation

  1. Fit a funnel with a mesh sieve into the neck of a sterilized carboy. Yous can likewise use a special brewing funnel with a strainer if you lot choose.
  2. Using a large ladle, scoop out the whole and mashed strawberries and pour them through the sieve and funnel.
  3. Printing the berry puree into the sieve to become equally much of the early wine out as possible.
  4. When the sieve fills up, dump the spent must into the compost, and supplant. Go along repeating until the majority of the fruit is out of the wine.
  5. Pour the remainder of the vino through the sieve and funnel.
  6. Y'all want the vino to come up to the bottom of the neck of the carboy. If yous have too much, you can pour yourself a glass of not-nevertheless-finished-but-all the same-delicious vino. If you lot take too little, yous tin can pinnacle it off with more not-chlorinated h2o.
  7. Fit the carboy with an airlock. All this agitation volition restart any sluggish fermentation quite actively, so I recommend placing the carboy in a place where you tin can keep an centre on information technology easily (merely still out of direct sunlight).
  8. Once you know information technology's non going to geyser wine everywhere, you can and so move the carboy to a nighttime, out-of-the-way spot to practise the longer secondary fermentation.
  9. Secondary fermentation is complete when the wine is "still," meaning there is no carbonation in the vino, no bubbles in the airlock, and the vino has cleared. This can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to months, depending on a number of factors. Do not canteen until the wine is notwithstanding.

Bottling and Aging

  1. Using a siphon, transfer the finished strawberry vino—leaving behind the sediment—from the carboy to the bottling bucket (or the primary fermenter if it has a spigot).
  2. Fit the bottling container spigot with a bottle filler, if using.
  3. Fill make clean, sanitized bottles using the bottle filler or just the spigot.
  4. Cap, cork, or close the tiptop of the bottles. Characterization the bottles.
  5. Shop in a cool dark spot (if using corks, turn the bottles on their sides to go along the corks wet) and age for at to the lowest degree xxx days, merely preferably half-dozen-12 months for the best flavor.


  • If your strawberry vino tastes likewise dry after secondary fermentation, you'll want to dorsum sweeten it using the process outlined in the post.
  • Make certain to gustation your wine throughout the process! Not only is it fun to sample, it also helps you better understand the fermentation process at piece of work.
Diet Information:

Yield: 25 Serving Size: v oz
Corporeality Per Serving: Calories: 183 Full Fat: 0g Saturated Fat: 0g Trans Fatty: 0g Unsaturated Fat: 0g Cholesterol: 0mg Sodium: 1mg Carbohydrates: 47g Fiber: 0g Carbohydrate: 46g Protein: 0g

At Wholefully, nosotros believe that good nutrition is about much more than just the numbers on the nutrition facts console. Please use the above information every bit only a small part of what helps y'all make up one's mind what foods are nourishing for yous.


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