
What Are Kittle Hard Raised Bumps On Cat Skin

Skin Lumps and Bumps in Cats

Reviewed by Amy Flowers, DVM on July 27, 2021

You're enjoying a bonding moment with your kitty, and as y'all're petting them, you notice a lump on their pare. It may be minor and your cat may seem fine, but even so, you should accept a veterinary bank check it out. At that place'south no way for you to know what'southward going on by simply feeling information technology. Your feline friend could accept an infection, a parasite, or a more than serious problem.

These are the common causes of lumps on a cat'southward pare:

Mild Trauma

A pocket-size injury can cause a crash-land. It may heal on its own, merely information technology could go infected. A cat that's been given a shot may have a lump for a few days, too. But if it doesn't go abroad after that, call the vet.


An abscess is a pus-filled, swollen spot on the skin that sometimes forms where your cat has been bitten or scratched. They're often crimson and painful, then your cat may shy abroad from your bear on. They might seem more tired than usual and may not be that interested in eating. A warm compress may bring them some relief.

To treat the abscess, your vet may give your cat an antibody and an anti-inflammatory medication. They may likewise trim the hair effectually the bump to keep the wound clean. If the abscess is deep, the cat may need surgery.


Fat tumors, called lipomas, may testify upwards anywhere on a true cat's body. They aren't cancerous and don't need to be removed unless they keep your true cat from getting around well. They're seen more often in older or overweight cats.

To check a lump for cancer, your vet will use a needle to become a sample. If it's only a fatty tumor, they may suggest to do nothing and sentry the tumor. If it changes or gets bigger, they may propose surgery.

Mast prison cell tumors tin can also announced on the cat'southward pare, usually on the caput or neck. They may be itchy or red. About 10% of these tumors are malignant.

Fibrosarcomas are ambitious cancerous tumors that can announced anywhere on the body. Rarely, they happen as a side effect to whatever injection that is given. If your cat has a lump at the site of a recent shot, let your vet know.  They volition desire to examine your cat right away.  Normally, these tumors happen long-after the vaccination.

One of the nigh common types of cancer to bear upon cats is chest cancer, or mammary gland tumors. They announced on the underside of the true cat, near their nipples, and often get unnoticed until they're large. At the start, these tumors may feel like BB pellets. About 85% of these tumors are malignant, so don't delay taking your cat to the vet to be examined if y'all find something unusual. If you spay your true cat before they go into heat for the showtime time, you'll cut their breast cancer risk by about 90%.

If your cat has any blazon of cancer, they will most likely need surgery to remove the tumor and the tissue around it. Your vet may refer you to a veterinarian oncologist, who treats animals with cancer.

For chest cancer, removing the whole mammary gland may be the best handling. In some cases, the doc may recommend radiation or chemo after surgery.


Simply similar people, some cats have blackheads on their chin or face up. These can feel similar very small bumps under the surface of the skin. They may be easier to notice if they go infected. If your vet says that your true cat has acne, they may inquire you lot to utilise a special wash, wipe, or medicine on your cat'south face up to remove extra oil. Plastic bowls for drinking and eating may as well lead to true cat acne.


If your kitty stays inside, y'all may non think of this, only indoor cats can become ticks. The parasites tin can hitch a ride inside from dogs or humans who spend time outdoors. If a tick stays on your cat'south skin long enough to embed itself, it can look and feel like a lump.

If it's a tick, your vet tin safely remove information technology. Yous and your vet tin can then discuss how to continue,

Bug Bites

Mosquitoes, bees, wasps, spiders, and ants can crusade bumps on cats, too. There may exist redness and swelling at the site. The ears and nose may have worse reactions than other body parts. A cold compress may help ease pain. If your pet was stung, a vet may need to brand sure the stinger is removed. The vet may want to utilize an antihistamine or steroid to reduce swelling.

Some cats are sensitive to flea bites, but they're more than likely to become a rash or sore than a raised bump. Make sure to give your cat treatments to help control fleas.

To avert mosquito bites, keep your cat indoors at dusk and dawn during summer months.

Make it a routine of grooming your true cat. That way, you lot'll know when something unusual start appears on their skin. It may exist zilch serious, but if it is, the sooner y'all find out and seek treatment, the ameliorate.


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